OMR Therapy - Mouth Opening Treatment

 MARCEL-OMR Therapy is PROTOCOL for Oral Mucousa Restoration technique which reverses the process of locking of Jaws and brings back elasticity. MARCEL-OMR Therapy is combination using MARCEL poly herbal rinse along with keeping good oral hygiene by regular brushing teeth with MARCEL Poly-herbal Toothpaste and using anti-oxidant JS-63, CURCUMIN+PIPERINE capsule. This is followed by physical exercises of jaws. Last but not the least, keep good dietary and lifestyle habits.

Try MARCEL-OMR Therapy Now!


The first step to treat oral submucous fibrosis is to stop chewing tobacco in any form. Patients should increase intake of fruits and vegetables instead of oily and spicy foods. The further treatment of patients with oral submucous fibrosis depends on the degree of clinical involvement. Most patients with OSMF present with mild to moderate disease such patients can be managed with MARCEL OMR Therapy.

Patients should strictly follow 30 days MARCEL OMR Therapy for visible improvement in conditions. The MARCEL OMR Therapy treatment is symptomatic and predominantly aimed at improving mouth movements. Regular dietary and lifestyle habits should be followed for complete oral mucosa restoration.


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