MARCEL-OMR Therapy is PROTOCOL for Oral Mucousa Restoration technique which reverses the process of locking of Jaws and brings back elasticity. MARCEL-OMR Therapy is combination using MARCEL poly herbal rinse along with keeping good oral hygiene by regular brushing teeth with MARCEL Poly-herbal Toothpaste and using anti-oxidant JS-63, CURCUMIN+PIPERINE capsule. This is followed by physical exercises of jaws. Last but not the least, keep good dietary and lifestyle habits.

MARCEL OMR Therapy reverses the process of locking of jaws and brings back elasticity caused by excessive eating of Chewable tobacco like Pan-masala, Gutkha etc.

Improvement in mouth opening (nter- incisal / alveolar clearance), Tongue protrusion (From the reference point of lip vermillion), Relief from fibrotic bands (digital palpation), Relief from intolerance to spicy food,Relief from burning sensation,Improvement in salivation, mucosal rigidity, depapillation of tongue,Relief from tinnitus (ringing in the ear),Relief from difficulty in swallowing (especially of solid food), Relief from difficulty of speech (phonation)

Secret of MARCEL OMR Therapy is innovation in therapy and its results. It is established fact (as per dental science) that OSF cannot be cured as bringing back lost elasticity of jaws is not possible which is caused by OSF. All the prevalent treatments are of temporary nature and having very low success rate. On top of it, they are VERY EXPENSIVE and PAINFUL.

Contrary to established facts, MARCEL is successful in bringing back elasticity of jaws and as a result it opens the “locked” jaws. The result of MARCEL is fast, visible and permanent in nature. In addition to this treatment of MARCEL, it is less costly than any prevailing methods. And application/use is so simple, just gargle.

poly-herbal oral rinse is a proprietary ayurvedic medicine for Restoration of Oral Mucosa damaged due to Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSF). It comprises of very potently bio-active terpenoids and phenylpropene derived from natural sources. poly-herbal oral rinse is a proprietary ayurvedic medicine for Restoration of Oral Mucosa damaged due to Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSF). It comprises of very potently bio-active terpenoids and phenylpropene derived from natural sources.  

JS-63 enhances the body's natural defense mechanism for strong immune protection. This unique formula — offers 10 times more bio-availability than other Curcumin extracts; protects cells from free radicals that lead to inflammatory conditions and supports energy levels and a feeling of well-being. 

MARCEL Ayurvedic Toothpaste is nature’s perfect dental care programme. It is a perfect blend of 18 Ayurvedic herbs and barks, tested over generations make it very powerful tool of OMR (Oral Mucousa Restoration) therapy, which helps in treatment of OSF (Locked jaws).

India continues to report the highest prevalence of oral cancers globally with 75,000 to 80,000 new cases of such cancers reported every year.

A recent report prepared by experts of National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW) to study the harmful effects of gutka specified clearly




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